1863 - 1918
If one looks at a map
of the United States, one might suppose that one of the last
places you would find Italians in 1863 would be in Evansville,
Indiana. The town is hidden in the southwest part of the State,
many miles from any large city ...... from anywhere, really. But as I began the effort to
document the arrival of my family (my cousin Pamela did a large portion of the
actual search through records), the list of Italian names grew
surprisingly large. By 1890 there were already over 100
immigrants (including fathers, mothers, and children); by 1900 the
number had grown to about 150. Small, perhaps, in terms of a city
of about 50,000 people in 1900, but still large enough to make one wonder
how in the world these people found Evansville.
Based on the City Directory 1863-1900, the earliest arrivals were in Evansville by 1863. The first of My Family arrived in 1888 from the mountainous
region of Molise, north of Naples - mostly from the cities of Ripalimosani and
Busso. Others followed from that
region. Some of the earliest arrivals in Evansville were from Sicily. In fact, about 85
% of the Italians who arrived in Evansville before 1920 (City Directory
1901-1918) were from
Molise and Sicily. See Other Italians.
In addition to presenting data on our family's ancestors back to the 1700's in Italy and
people who lived in Evansville, this web site also contains information on
people who did not live in Evansville, but were
somehow related to someone who did. Where possible, we searched for further
information on each Italian we encountered in Evansville. Our sources of data were City
Directories, Census Records for Indiana/Kentucky/Tennessee, Ohio, New York, Assumption Church Birth/
Baptism and Marriage Records, Immigration
Records, Naturalization Records, and
Cemetery Records. The City Directories are one of the best sources for locating
someone because many immigrants didn't stay in one place long enough to appear
in a Census record. The Baptismal records are a good source also because people
came from other cities to be the godparents of their relatives' children. Birth,
death, and marriage records in other states (actual records not reproduced here)
allowed us to trace some of these families to Arizona, California, Illinois,
Kentucky, Missouri, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, and other states.
I also developed a substantial amount of immigration Passenger List
information as I attempted to track these people; the data is primarily for
people from small villages near Campobasso/Molise and Termini Imerese/Sicily.
You can search this data at a Rootsweb
site. (There is no automatic return to this web site, so you may want to
wait and visit that web site after you finished perusing this web site).
In any of these records, we only searched for
information that we did not have on an individual. So it is possible that any one record type will not contain information for
a specific surname. There is another caution about the data
displayed here. We could only identify Italians by their names.
That means we may at times have included someone who was not
Italian, and vice versa. We made an attempt to search all
available records, but there is no doubt that we missed some
people. If you know of someone who should be included, you can
contact me at . I will make updates from time to time; this is a
work in progress.
If you wish to see the all of the data I have amassed on Italian surnames during research
for this web site, see the associated
GenCircles database; there is no automatic return to this site from the
CenCircle database (return by use of BACK button) , so you may want to delay
going to that site until you have finished perusing this site. This data is also also available on Rootsweb
WorldConnect), although I prefer the GenCircles web site. There is an automatic return to this site from the Rootsweb site.
Surnames included: (Most of these names appear only in the Census Data)
Albanese, Ambosio, Amoroso, Anoretia(?), Arrigo
Bairo, Balsamo, Balzano, Barile, Battaglia, Bechelli, Bellara, Benelli, Bergamini,
Berigo, Besuso, Bevilaqua,
Binchini, Bisano, Bisesi, Bondi, Bova, Boveri, Brugnone, Bruno, Bucci, Bustema
Caiso, Cammerata, Camposarcuno, Cantrovia, Capene, Capuciello(i), Carlozzi,
Caruso, Cassinelli, Catalano, Celvini, Cerasola, Ciampitta, Cianciolo(St Charles),
Ciliberti, Cimini, Cira, Clese, Cocucia(o), Cocuzzi, Colozza, Colagassi, Colucci, Concilio,
Consiglio, Copello (Capella), Coraruni, Cornacchione, Corrsi, Corso, Cottile, Culotta
D'Amato, D'Arcangelo, D'Orazio, D' Viddio, Dallegiacoma, Damana, Daprano, Datillo, DeAmicis, DeCola,
DiCola, Dellaca, Delacoma,
DelGreco, DelGrande,
DeLise, Delissi, DeLuca, DeMatteo, DeMauro, Demma, Denovo, Desaro (DiSarro,
DeSarro), DeSopo (D'Esopo), DiBlasi, DiCarlo,
DiCicco, Dice, DiLorio, DiLauro,
DiLiberto, DiMiase, DiMuzio, DiNobile, DiNezza, DiPaolo, DiPetta, DiRienzo, DiSantis,
DiSanto, Discenza, DiSensa, DiStefano, DiZinno,
Eifrate, Evola
Faciosano, Farina, Farinacci, Fasciano, Fasone, Fazio, Fede, Ferritto, Florence, Florentino(Fiorentino),
Fornaro, Fosco, Francesca, Francescon, Fratianna, Frazelle, Frixione
Galasso, Gallito, Gambolati, Gammiero, Gargotti, Garraino, Gatto, Gazzolo, Gelardi, Gentile,
Gentimella, Geraci,
Giangiobbe, Giannantonio, Giannini, Ghiochini, Giorgio, Gisolo, Giuffre, Giuliano, Gotta, Grasanta.
Iacobucci, Iafelice, Iafrate, Iammarino, Iaricci, Iula
LaFrata, Lagomarsini, La Mantia, Lamantiello, Lanacorte, Lanese, Lanezza,
Lanzarotta, LaRocca, Laurienzo, LaVendetti, Lazzara, Liberato, Liberatore, LoBono, Longano,
Longo, Lorenzo, Luccitiello, Lucchesi, Luchese
Mancini, Mandalfino, Manesie, Marcogiuseppe, Marchetti, Marere, Marinelli,
Marketto, Marietta, Marino, Marsicano, Mattacia, Martini, Martino, Marubbia,
Mascari, Matracia, Mennucci, Mercurio, Miletto, Minadeo, Minielli (Miniello), Miranda, Moni,
More, Moro. Musso, Muzzo
Nanni, Natale, Nebbia, Notartomaso, Nuccironi
Olivetti (Aliveti), Occhipinti
Palermo, Pallante, Palmieri, Pantone, Panzica, Paolucci, Papparozzi, Paradigi, Parette,
Parissi, Pece (Page),
Penna, Petronallo, Petrone, Petti, Piano, Pinto, Pirovino, Pisano, Piscitelli, Pontilla,
Puccini, Pusateri
Quancile, Quiquero
Ramaglia, Ranallo, Randazzo, Rappelli, Ratino, Rechio (Reckio), Ricchinti, Rinella, Rini, Riuhiute,
Robbiono, Rosso, Rotonataro, Rotero, Ruatto, Rubero, Russo
Sabetta, Saladina, Sansone, S'Antangelo, Santambrogio, Sardino, Sarraino (Serraino), Scaletta,
Scacco, Scalicci,
Scannone, Scarpacci, Scricco, Sebastiano, Silvorei, Simone, Sociero, Solimano, St. Charles(Cianciolo),
Spragala, Spugnardi, Sunseri
Taddeo, Tagliaferro, Tanno, Terranova, Testa, Teta, Timotto, Tomba, Tonitto, Tonti, Toranelli, Torre,
Velnot, Venerandi, Verdone, Vitantonio, Vitanza, Vorpi
Zambina, Zangara, Ziccardi
Last Update: 01/17/2012